Toads are arriving at both ends of the bridge, places to put them are marked A in yellow. The toads are breeding in the river.
The departing toads are heading away from the bridge in both directions, places to put them are marked L in red - on the north side there are gaps in the wire fence just past the car park, on the south side there is a rough track into the woods with barrier across it. The arriving toads are found between the points marked L.
The site is on the Barnham Broom Road between Wymondham Tuttles Lane and the B1108 Watton Road. As you travel from Wymondham you will see two lodge houses flanking the entrance to the wedding suite of Kimberley Hall. If you travel from the B1108 you will see the Old School House Stables, Low Road on the left and the entrance to the Kimberly Hall Angling Club car park.
Car parking – We have permission to use the Anglers car park on the NE side of the bridge but it can be very boggy in wet weather. There is also space on the side of the road with little vegetation where you can easily see toads - marked P in blue on the north side of the bridge. You can also park on the road at the place marked P about 150m south of the bridge.
Safety – There is poor visibility due to the hump back bridge and the fact that the bridge is narrow. Please avoid standing on the bridge. There are spaces at both ends of the bridge where you can wait for cars to pass. The slopes down to the river can be very slippery! On the stretches on either side of the bridge there are grass verges upon which you can step out of the way of cars, take care on stepping up and off them.
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